ForexHero Offers Premium White Glove Service
White glove premium customer service is a high-end customer service experience that is tailored to meet the specific needs and demands of ForexHero subscribers. Our White Glove Service is a personalized service that helps users to better understand their trading objectives and create a bot that meets those objectives. This service is designed to provide users with a better customer support experience and ensure that they are fully satisfied with their ForexHero experience.
The white glove service begins with a conversation between the customer and the experienced ForexHero customer service team. This is an “AAA” team that possesses many years of trading experience. During this conversation, the customer service team will work to understand the customer’s specific needs and preferences. They will then use this information to create a customized bot that is tailored to the customer’s trading objectives.
The bot created through the White Glove Service will be fully optimized and set up to meet the customer’s needs, providing them with the best possible trading experience. Additionally, the customer service team will be available to provide ongoing support and assistance, ensuring that the customer is fully satisfied with their ForexHero experience.
To utilize the White Glove Service, subscribers need to simply email our CS team at with the subject “White Glove Service”. Our “AAA” CS team will follow up with the subscribers within a day.